Kenya Airways opts for AFI KLM E&M APU Services

EPCOR is to handle maintenance for the APUs equipping Kenya Airways Boeing 737 Next Generation (GTCP131-9B), Boeing 787 (APS5000) and Embraer 190 (APS2300) aircraft under the terms of an exclusive contract signed between the Kenyan carrier and AFI KLM E&M.
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The contract covers APU overhauls, repairs and logistics/AOG support, plus the supply of spare APUs. Kenya Airways is conversant with EPCOR solutions after entrusting the AFI KLM E&M affiliate with the care of the APUs equipping its 737 Next Generation aircraft.

Martyn Haines, Technical Director at Kenya Airways, said: "EPCOR's multi-product profile on the APU maintenance market is without compare, and is a major asset for our airline in operational terms. We also have intimate knowledge of how well their solutions perform for having used their services in the past and we therefore have every confidence in the quality of the solutions that will be delivered under the terms of this latest partnership."
EPCOR Managing Director Dennis Wetjens added: "EPCOR strives to assist its clients with all their needs, regardless of the product, and to adapt its solutions to meet all their expectations. This is what we are doing with Kenya Airways, and we are delighted that "the Pride of Africa" is continuing to work with us."


Vincent Chappard

Vincent Chappard

Vincent is an aerospace editor and consultant based in Paris.